There are actually several ways to save money on gasoline. Many credit cards reimburse you for fuel purchases. Some even give you a nickel back for every dollar you spend. Others offer a more modest two or three cents.
A number of grocery stores give you a discount after you spend a certain amount on groceries. It pays to take advantage of these offerings, but here's another idea that can save you about four dollars every time you fill up.
For most cars these days, buying higher octane gas is a waste
of money. Regular unleaded has
approximately 87 octane already and is fine for your vehicle.
By avoiding buying high octane gas you’ll be saving a large
amount of money over a period of time. If you have a fifteen gallon tank and pay $2.80 for gas, it will cost you $42.00 to fill up. If you buy premium gas, the price is often twenty cents higher per gallon, so you will be paying $45.00 for the same amount of gas.
High octane gas is always more expensive at the gas pumps so
the next time that you feel guilty for filling up your SUV with regular gas you
can be assured that no harm will come to your vehicle.
Here's the thing. Octane is simply a measurement of how difficult it is to ignite
the gas in your car and has nothing to do with the quality of the gas. If you are experiencing engine pings,
rattles, or knocks you can switch to high octane gas.
However, you shouldn’t be experiencing any of those knocks and
rattles if you are keeping your vehicle maintained and making sure that you
don’t miss those scheduled maintenance checkups.
If you are driving a new model car you definitely shouldn’t be
hearing any pings or rattles and if you are you should take your vehicle to a
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