Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lose Weight For Free - Do This One Simple Thing

Lose Weight For Free - Do This One Simple Thing
by Bill Russo

Here’s the one diet plan that really works - but actually has no plan.  No forbidden foods.  No payments of hundreds of dollars for special meals and shakes.  No exercise and no sweat. No fasting and no starvation.  And yes, it really, really works and you can have it for free!

This is the only diet where you don’t have to make a major commitment.  You don’t need to get on a scale, weigh your food, spend a fortune on a giant horde of special pre-prepared food, ride a bike, walk a mile, swim the English Channel or do anything out of the ordinary. 

A friend of mine bought one of those diet plans they advertise on TV.  He spent hundreds of dollars and got a shipment of 30 days worth of pre-packaged diet food.  When I saw him two weeks after he got his products, I asked him how he liked the diet plan.  He turned red, bowed his head and sheepishly admitted, “I ate it all in five days.”  

In less than a week he ate the whole 30 days worth of 'diet' food!  Those expensive diet programs advertised on television may work for some, but if you follow this little diet plan that doesn’t really have a plan, you can lose weight without paying a cent.  You’ll actually be saving cash, because you will be buying less food and liking it!

The secret to this wondrous scheme is simple – eat less, lose weight.  Diet by the letters.  E-L-L-W.  Eat Less, Lose Weight!

“But how?” you ask.  

The answer is amazingly simple – small plates.  Throw out those King Kong plates you’re loading up with your 3-egg scramble, two pieces of toast, a mountain of hash browns, and a side of bacon.  Don’t give up your usual foods, just put them on to a smaller plate.  It really works. 

 Here's me in 2015 and five years later in 2020.  In the photo on the left I was 210 and in the one on the right side I am 175.  Same Shirt - 35 pounds lighter. At age 76, I guarantee you it's hard to lose weight.  At this age it seems like even a glass of water puts on a pound or two.  

But you can lose weight even in your 70s and beyond using the small plate method.

Try cooking reduced portions and pile ‘em on the smaller plate.  Heap up the smaller plate to capacity.  If you do it faithfully, your mind will re-program itself to see the small plate as a big meal and your stomach will go along because ultimately the brain is in charge of the tummy, even if that does not seem to be the case.

After a month of small plates and dieting by the letters, E-L-L-W, you will be eating less and healthier without even trying.  Your fully satisfying morning breakfast may well be one egg, one slice of toast, a few potatoes and a single slice of bacon. 

The plan works equally well for lunches and dinners.  Small plates guys.  It really, really works.  As you have seen from my pictures, I did it for five months and went from 210 to 170.  After five years I have maintained my weight between 175 and 180, depending on whether I'm in the mood for ice cream and pie - or not!

Good luck.  At the risk of repeating myself I’ll leave with two words of advice:  Small Plates. 


You don't need a book to lose weight, but if you want to read my book, you can read it for free on Smashwords.  It's called Diet by the Letters:

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