Friday, May 15, 2020

In Boston the Curse of the Bambino is Still On!

by Bill Russo
Boston Braves fan 1949 to 1952
Boston Red Sox fan 1949 to 2020 and counting......….

Bringing Back BASEBALL

Entering the month of May, the Boston Red Sox are leading the American League (in 1920) with a record of 10 wins, two losses and one tie. 

It's the first year for the Fenway Nine without Babe Ruth who has been sold to the Yankees for 100,000 pieces of silver. Last year the Babe set a new home run record, blasting 29 4-baggers, in his first year as an almost full time hitter. 

He only pitched in 17 games and had a record of 8 and 5. Despite winning 24 games two seasons ago, Babe wanted to become a full time batter. 

Now, with the Bronx brats in 1920 The Babe may be wishing he was back in Beantown, because so far in 12 games he is hitting just two-twenty as a Yankee and has ZERO home runs. When he pitched for Boston his record was second only to the Big Train, Walter Johnson, and in head to head contests, the Bambino had a winning record over the Washington Senators great hurler.

The curse is still on! The 2004 World Series Win was only an installment payment on the execration that was heaped on the capital of Massachusetts and indeed all of the 5 and one half states of New England.  (Once there were six, but Red Sox fans long ago kicked out the New York half of Connecticut). 

Many Sox fans (probably most only the old ones) still ponder shadowy images of the glory that would have come to Beantown if the Bambino had stayed in the little band box in the heart of Boston on Jersey Street.

A pox on New York!  Curses, Curses, Curses.  It's Still On Baby!


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