Saturday, April 18, 2020

Miss Otis Regrets - Cole Porter Wrote it for Bricktop

Miss Otis Regrets - They Wrote it for Bricktop
by Bill Russo

She's virtually forgotten now, but 'Bricktop' (Ada Smith) was, in her time, one of the most influential people in show business.  A flaming crop of red hair that came from her Irish father resulted in the colorful nickname that at one time was known the world over.  

The rouge mane came from her dad, but her talent likely came from her African-American mother.  Bricktop's abilities included singing, dancing, and a head for business.  She ran 'Chez Bricktop' in Paris from 1924 to 1961 and also had clubs in Mexico City and in Rome.

She continued her singing career deep into old age, making a United Kingdom tour at age 83, belting out 'Love For Sale' and other classics in a romp through a dozen clubs in foggy London town. 

In 1983 she appeared as herself in Woody Allen's film Zelig.  

As a singer and dancer she was a Vaudeville headliner for decades.  She was so popular that Cole Porter wrote the iconic song, 'Miss Otis Regrets', for her.

The legendary guitarist Django Reinhart teamed up with fellow hall of famer, jazz violinist Stephane Grapelli to write and record "Bricktop" as a tribute to her.

She once threw John Steinbeck (he of the 'Grapes of Wrath' and 'Of Mice and Men' ) out of Chez Bricktop for 'not being a gentleman'.  The celebrated author got back in her favor by sending her a taxi. The cab barely had room for a driver - because it was  stuffed to capacity with hundreds and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of red roses.

In the late 1970s, in a legendary session, she teamed with producer Otis Blackwell and cut close to a dozen sides - all classics like 'Love for Sale', 'Miss Otis Regrets', 'Happiness is a Thing Called Joe', 'Am I Blue', and 'A Good Man is Hard to Find'. 

Bricktop remained active and in good spirits right up to the end of a long and productive life. A few hours after chatting with a few friends over the telephone in her Manhattan apartment on February 1, 1984  'Bricktop' died in her sleep at age 89. 

photo by Anthony 22 - Wikipedia


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