Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Life is a Bowl of Popcorn

Life is a Bowl of Popcorn

by Bill Russo

The older I get the more "If I could do it over again" moments I have.  Sometimes, it seems like most of the kernels in my bowl of popcorn are burned.  In truth there are quite a few that are not charred, but they are harder to see. They don't stand out like the destroyed ones.  In my time I've met three or four people who love burned toast! Yet I've never encountered anyone who likes charred popcorn.

We've all said things or done things we'd like to reverse, but the naked truth is, we can't press the restart button in the game of life, because there isn't one.

The closest thing to it, is to simply take your bowl of popcorn and throw the contents in the rubbish.  The burned stuff will be gone, but you will still have the bowl, and you can re-fill it with new popcorn.

Watch it more carefully this time as it pops, and hopefully you'll end up with a heaping bowl of hot, undamaged pristine deliciousness.

So the point is - We have to forget about 'Do-overs' and concentrate on 'Do-haves'.  We can't change the past.  But we do have the power to change the future!

Never completely forget the burned popcorn, it is a part of your history.  But stow the memories in a back hall closet somewhere in the rear part of your cranium, and concentrate on making new kernels.  

Life really is a bowl of popcorn.  Make a fresh batch, but go easy on the salt and butter!

The End

Bill Russo, a retired New England journalist and broadcaster, is the author of dozens of short stories and books including the Creature From the Bridgewater Triangle, as well as Swamp Tales, a popular short book of fictional stories from the Hockomock Swamp, in the heart of 'The Triangle'. Get the Kindle version for free on Amazon:

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