Monday, October 8, 2018

LGBTQ is at Risk of Running Out of Letters

Just a few years ago we had the LGB community, and then I woke up from a nap that must have rivaled Rip Van Winkle’s; because I found that we now have an LGBTQ community!

I’m all for inclusion and have always supported people’s personal choices about things, but let’s be sensible folks.  At this rate it’s not going to be long before we run out of alphabet.

You are very disingenuous if you think it’s going to stop at Q.  Over the next year or so the name of the community will probably evolve into


That’s quite a mouthful so let’s break it down.  I think we all know the first three letters. They stand for Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Gays. I’m not sure when ‘T’, the fourth letter was added. It stands for Transexual, although I wonder why Transvestites don’t have their own letter.  Shouldn’t it be LGBTT? 

The most recent addition is the letter ‘Q’.  There seems to be some debate whether this is for ‘queer’ or ‘questioning’.  Let’s put in two Qs and cover both bases.  Shouldn’t it be LGBTTQQ?

So pretty soon, I’m sure the leaders of the LGBTTQQ community are going to be approached by a scouting group from the Asexual community and then the new name will have to be The LGBTTQQA.

After that, I expect that an advance party from the Enuch community will ask for inclusion.  Shouldn’t it be the LGBTTQQAEU community?


I have a better idea.  Why don’t we simply call all these individuals human beings?  Shouldn’t it be the PEOPLE community? Let’s stop putting labels on everybody and stand up for PEOPLE.


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