Monday, July 30, 2018

How To Unsubscribe from Foreign Emails that You Cannot Even Read

A "How To" on What to Do
when your e-mail account is loaded with advertising in languages  you cannot read and you have no idea
how to unsubscribe from them:

By Bill Russo

So today I spent my morning like many others; with a cup of coffee and a boatload of frustration at my inability to figure out how to delete more than a dozen different foreign advertisements clogging up my inbox.

Some of the emails were from stores. Others promoted specific products.  All were in languages that are completely unreadable to me.  I tried and tried to find something that looked like the English word "Unsubscribe".

I like to clean  my E-mail account on a regular basis and get rid of all the unwanted ones.  It's usually easy to do.  You simply hit "Unsubscribe" and they're gone. 

But what about these foreign e-mails? You can't read them. You can't delete them...they just come back again. How does some company in Finland, Germany, or France get my Email address?

I finally solved this small crisis by researching the foreign words for UNSUBSCRIBE and the
n scanning the tag ends of the offending communications for words like ABMELDEN (German for unsub), Se desebonner (French), Afmeldon (Dutch) and MALAMONI (Esperanto for unsubscribe). 

It worked. I was able to get rid of half a dozen habitual offenders. 

Here's a few more translations. Finland: Loreta Tilaus, Italian: Annulla l'iscrizione --- or as my Paisan Nonno (Grandfather) would say 'Get Out u Summa ma beech'.


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