Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Facebook Bans Harmless Trump Meme


As a regular commenter on politics in blogs and on Facebook, I have occasionally attempted humorous memes and cartoons directed at President Donald Trump.  It's my belief that they were harmless and were not malicious.

My most recent meme was preceded with the following comments...

"I don't care if you are Red or Blue or of a transparent hue..
It's satire.   A bit of fun for me and I hope a laugh for you..."

After those two lines I submitted the following meme.  It was not accepted by Facebook.  I tried three times and three times it failed to be transmitted to my newsfeed.  

Dear Facebook

Say it isn't funny.  Say I'm not funny.  But don't say I can't say it!  This is the modern day equivalent of book burning.  What happened to free speech?

Has Facebook been frightened by White House insiders?  Were they instructed to delete anything that  would make Donald Trump look foolish, weak, or old?

Will anyone posting something similar also be blocked?  Am I on a White House list?

If you don't hear anything further from me.  If you read that I was found lifeless with bottles of pills scattered around my corpse - it was not suicide.  

Dial M for Murder!


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