Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Is Bernie Sanders Actually a Real Person?

Is Bernie Sanders Actually a Real Person?
by Bill Russo

Before you pooh pooh me for even asking such a silly question: here are the facts.  After you peruse the following attested to document, decide for yourself its veracity or its falsity. 


" As shocking as it may seem, Bernie Sanders does not actually exist. Sanders is a character portrayed by Larry David on a reality show, with Larry playing the part a politician named Sanders. 

His devotion to the part is such that, as a method actor, when he assumes the Sanders persona, he temporarily becomes a person named Bernard Sanders.  

The role is given a veneer of truth when he portrays himself as a Senator from the mythical state of Vermont. It has never been proven that there even is such a place in the 48 states.  

Think about it.  Have you ever met anyone who actually has been to a place called Vermont?  Sanders/David, except for some flings in Washington City and Hollyweird, has never even left his native town of New York City.  He couldn't find his way to New England let alone the mythical place called Vermont.   

Larry David's Seinfeld show was perhaps the best sit-com ever. Curb Your Enthusiasm was okay generally, and sometimes quite funny at least in the first 30 or 40 seasons, but the reality show with Larry David playing the part of a Communist Politician in the U.S. is NOT FUNNY!

In summation, I submit the proof positive that Bernie Sanders is just another Larry David Character: 

This photograph appears to show Sanders and David together.  There are two people in the picture, but only one is Larry David, the other is an actor.  I shall not reveal whether the actor is playing the part of David or Sanders.  It does not matter which is which...
but this unquestionably shows that Sanders does not exist, except when Larry goes into the Bernie Mode.

 (Like Clark Kent and Superman, you will never see Sanders and Larry David in the same place at once!)


Affadavid: "I attest that the above is true, based on my unbiased investigation."

Signed, Alfred C. Newman, New Yourk City, New Yourk, and formerly of the mythical State of Vermont. 

Attested and certified in the Taunton State Hospital on Febuary 30, 2020.


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