If Apple had any sense of humor at all, they would take this idea that I am running up the flagpole and go with it. They would sell about a billion Granny Smiths.
What's wrong with the Macs? Nothing really, and Apple has sold a million of them. But a McIntosh apple can't make up its mind on anything. It's red and it's green and can't decide which it really wants to be.
Granny Smith is tart and purely green, just like a good granny should be. Decisive and strong, aptly describes a Granny Smith apple and the computer would have the same traits.
Run them off the assembly line Apple ! !! !!! And put a little tag on them that says, "Age Restricted - No one under the age of 55 may purchase a Granny Smith."
I'm telling you this can be big! !! !!!
And if it is, you're a witness. It's my idea and I want ten per cent of the wholesale cost of every Granny Smith made. If I don't get it, I will come up with an even better idea and sell it to Billy Gates or whoever is running Windows these days. I'm already getting a 'clear' idea for a new Microsoft PC and I even think I can get people to adopt the horrible search engine called "Crosby" that nobody uses. Dear Apple, if you are reading this, hurry up, I clearly see a "Window" of opportunity for both of us. Please email me a few hundred thousand as a good faith gesture.
Your Pal,
Bill (no Gates) Russo
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