Monday, August 30, 2021

The Top Ten Weird Virus Masks Worn by Shoppers

We've come up with the top ten weirdest
Covid Face Masks worn by shoppers.
Check out this short five minute video
and let us know if you agree with our picks.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Don't Knock Off Daddy!

Stifle that first impulse to stomp on,
squash, or otherwise harm good old Daddy Long Legs.

You'll be doing your house and yourself a favor if you don't KNOCK OFF THE DADDY!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Deadliest Place in the Bridgewater Triangle - The "Nip"

The eerie lake in the Bridgewater Triangle known as 'The Nip', despite being just three feet deep on average, claimed the lives of unsuspecting swimmers virtually every summer, until finally, about two decades ago, it was closed forever. Its large, sandy beach was covered with jagged rocks and swimming was banned in perpetuity. . How could this small 350 acre pond in the town of Bridgewater be so deadly? Join Bill Russo, who regularly swam in the Nip back in the 1900s, as he re-visits the most deadly place in the Bridgewater Triangle and finds that it is now, the Most Deserted Place in the Triangle!


Friday, August 13, 2021


Fate! Must we be a slave to it? Or can we change the life that has been predetermined for us. That is the dilemma facing Josh Lamont, after his tea-leave-reading family members predicted he would die young, by falling through thin ice in rural New Hampshire! Here is the audio version of Bill Russo's new short tale of suspense, as broadcast on Short Story Theater. It's available on all podcast sites from Apple and Amazon to Zebra!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Lizzie Borden - Life After 80 Whacks

New information on the more than 120 year old Lizzie Borden case? Yes. Our channel does indeed have some fresh details about the world's most famous double murder - the brutal axe slaying of Lizzie Borden's greedy father and his second wife. Details on the on in. And if you like the show, please subscribe to our channel.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

"Lizzie Borden After 80 Whacks! "

A fresh take on the old Lizzie Borden Tale - with new information 

that comes from one of the owners of Lizzie's second house,

a mansion called Maplecroft.  

She lived there in seclusion from the late 1890s until her death on the first day of June in 1927.  

Knotso Clanky, of Bill Russo's Short Story Theater Podcast, narrates the 

video.  Here's a 90 second preview.  Stay tuned for the full reveal on the Bill Russo YouTube Channel and on Bill Russo's Short Story Theater Podcast. Click the video to watch the preview...


Basil Nightingale, Short Story Theater Podcast Host is looking for side ...

Basil Nightingale, host of Bill Russo's Short Story Theater Podcast, is well known to the 5000 regular listeners of the podcast series, as well as in videos on YouTube.

He's decided to moonlight as a voice over guy. Basil is regarded as one of the finest CG voices in the WWW. Contact his agent, Bill Russo ( if you need a spokesperson for a video, a short story or an e-book. Reasonable rates!

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