Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Grandparents Day - Send me a Cigar and a Bottle of Jack

by Bill Russo

September 13 is National Grandparents Day

Send me a good five cent cigar..................

Or send me  a bottle of Jack...............................

 Or send me a  ticket to a Mexican Cantina.......

Or send me Helen Mirren.........

But don't send me flowers!!!!!!   I am way too young to be this old!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ghostly Gardener Forces People to Abandon Their Flower Boats

Copyright photo by Bill Russo
by Bill Russo

This is a 'Joseph Boat'.

Once there were thousands of these flower boats on

 Cape Cod. 

 Now there are perhaps only one or two left. Is it because a ghostly gardener in a 'peruke' comes once a year on the anniversary of his death, to pick the flowers and scare the townspeple senseless? Find out in Chapter Two of the Creature From the Bridgewater Triangle; in a tale called 'The Joseph Boats, or the Reverend Metcalfe gets Two Wishes'. It's just 99 cents on Amazon and is number 60 in its sales niche.

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