Limbaugh - Canned in Boston!
by Bill Russo
According to one industry study the broadcast is "Toxic" to advertisers. That's one possible reason that Limbaugh is being canned in Boston. Another reason may be declining ratings for an act that is more than a quarter century old.
WRKO is not citing the specific reasons for giving Rush the bum's rush. The news came in a recent article in "Talkers", the radio industry's leading publication.
was also reported that no other station in Boston, including the
desperate WMEX, will pick up the once 'untouchable' Limbaugh. Since
WRKO is almost as needy as WMEX, this news has radio insiders all
over the United States (including Alaska & Hawaii) scratching
their heads.
is the NUMBER 7 Media Market in the U.S.A. and quite a few radio people are wondering if other stations will pick up WRKO's axe and use it to chop Rush from their schedules.
is through in Beantown when his contract expires this Summer. It's
likely that some 'burb' stations will pick up the show. It is
currently carried on the powerful WXTK on Cape Cod. The Cape talker is the highest rated station on the island and its signal also reaches Fall
River, Taunton, and New Bedford, as well as Plymouth.
New York City is the Number One Radio market in the U.S, with the West Coast checking in at number two, in the form of Los Angeles. Back towards the East, Chicago is number three.
Philadelphia is the fourth largest market. The industry lumps Dallas and Fort Worth together as a single radio entity and calls it number five.
The number six media market is also a combination of several cities including San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. Boston is number seven, but would be higher if it were counted with other markets in its listening area such as Providence (the 53rd largest market), Worcester, Springfield, Cape Cod and New Bedford.
Numbers Eight through ten are Washington, Atlanta and Houston, in that order.